Back Injury / Spinal Cord Injury

Personalized Legal Services in Barrington & Schaumburg, IL

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Barrington Accident Lawyer for Back Injuries

Personal Injury Lawyer for Spinal Cord Cases in Cary, Palatine and Algonquin, IL

Living with a spinal injury can be frustrating and demoralizing. A sudden jolt of pain can stop you in your tracks. Recovery can be slow, with many setbacks. Surgery may not help. Meanwhile you are losing sleep, your savings and your independence.

At Lucas Law we help people move forward from a life-changing back or neck injury. By working hard to maximize compensation, we aim to provide economic relief and the resources to adjust to a long-term or permanent disability.

Our firm serves the injured in Barrington, Lake Zurich and surrounding communities in the northwest suburbs. We can help with your immediate legal matters while we are working to secure the maximum monetary damages. Call 847-381-8700 for a free consultation.

Getting Maximum Compensation For Your Spinal Injury Case

In 35 years of practicing law in Illinois, attorney Joseph Lucas has learned what details matter most in building a personal injury case. He has obtained good recoveries in a wide range of cases, including back and neck injuries:

  • Spinal cord injury resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia
  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Herniated disk
  • Severe whiplash (neck sprain)
  • Lumbar strain (lower back injuries)
  • Sciatic pain (pinched nerve)

One key to our successful results is the relationships we have cultivated with medical specialists. We work with orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, anesthesiologists and other doctors who specialize in spinal cord trauma, back injuries, cervical injuries and pain management.

These physicians can advise on the medical aspects of lawsuits, such as proving that a ruptured disk or torn ligament is causally related to an auto collision or falling accident. When we approach defendants and their insurers with claims backed by medical evidence, we position clients for a better result. This analysis also helps us identify which claims are low value or legally weak so that we can devote our attention and resources to viable claims with significant losses.

We Do What It Takes To Get What You Need

If you are disabled from working because of a back injury or spinal cord injury, your settlement or award must cover those projected earnings. If you will need surgery or physical therapy, the compensation should anticipate that. Many clients need wheelchairs, pain medications, nursing care, and other services and accommodations. Many people with back injuries can adapt to new occupations with retraining. We spend time with clients to understand the impact on daily life and the long-range needs.

Call 847-381-8700 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation with an experienced lawyer. We offer evening and weekend appointments and serve the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

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