Stop Your Car and Give Aid to the Injured

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Stop Your Car and Give Aid to the Injured in Barrington

Barrington Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers

At Lucas Law, we know motor vehicle collisions are inherently dangerous, based on the characteristics such as the size, weight, and speed of our automobiles. When you are involved in an accident, there are a series of associated Illinois state laws to abide by. In addition, the state allows for individual municipalities (such as Bloomingdale, Hanover Park, Keeneyville, Medinah, and Roselle) to establish ordinances relating to accident requirements.

Illinois Auto Accident Incidence & Severity Rising

It has been reported that traffic fatalities rose approximately 8 percent last year, one of the largest one-year increases in decades. The causes are difficult to pinpoint; however, indicators suggest a combination of increased speeds of operation and drivers operating vehicles with too many distractions as leading factors.

When an Accident Occurs

If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision, you are required to remain at the scene. A failure remain can result in possible criminal charges. When stopping your vehicle, it should be in a manner that limits the potential for any further risks to people or property. An essential element of safely stopping at the scene is that you do so without impeding adjacent traffic flow. After dark, seek assistance from others to warn approaching traffic by using flares or flashlights. Anyone involved who fails to remain at the scene must report the following information to law enforcement within 30 minutes:

  • Name and address
  • Accident location, time and date
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Names of other occupant(s)

In situations where an individual is hospitalized, they are to report as such within 30 minutes of discharge.

Duty to Aid the Injured

Those present should sensibly assist injured individuals, either based on obvious need or upon request by the injured party. Assistance may include physically aiding them to reach medical personnel or facilities and/or notifying emergency responders. Always use caution when physically assisting an injured party. Those not trained in administering first aid should refrain from helping. It is important to be aware that injuries such as those of the head or neck can be worsened by improper movement.

Duty to Provide Information

Drivers in auto accidents resulting in injury, property damage, or death must provide their name, address, and registration number to other parties involved. Drivers should also show their driver's license to others involved upon request. In discussions following accidents, drivers should provide the basic information lawfully required, and refrain from commenting on causes. Immediately after an accident, people tend to be overly anxious, having inaccurate perceptions of the event. Keep in mind that you have a legal right to consult an attorney.

Duty to Notify in Collisions with Unattended Vehicles or Property

Driver in collisions involving unattended vehicles, or other physical property, are required to stop. There is a duty to notify the owner to provide accident information. If the owner cannot be located, written notification should be placed on the vehicle including your name, address, registration number, etc.

Duty to Report

In accidents where an injury, a fatality, or property damage of $1,500 occurs, there is a duty to report. Administrative requests for additional details may follow. If any driver involved lacks auto liability coverage, the property damage threshold is reduced to $500.

Automobile accidents may result in physical, emotional, legal and financial problems. For three decades, injury victims in northeastern Illinois have trusted the personal injury attorneys at Lucas Law. Call 847-381-8700 or contact us online to put our team to work on your behalf. We assist clients throughout Barrington, Inverness, Algonquin, Palatine, Cary, and all surrounding communities.

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