Hit-and-Run Accidents

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Barrington, IL Injury Lawyer for Hit-and-Run Victims

Car Accident Attorney Serving the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago

A hit-and-run accident can take a toll on your health and your finances. You may incur significant medical bills and other expenses. You may experience continuing pain that prevents you from working and doing the things you enjoy. Even though the other driver left the scene, you may have a source of insurance to pay for your losses.

At Lucas Law in Barrington, Illinois, we offer a free initial consultation to explain your options after a hit-and-run accident. We'll take the time to explain your rights and answer your questions without any cost or obligation.

Who Will Pay For My Damages?

The insurance company of the at-fault driver is responsible for paying for your damages, up to the limit of the policy. However, if the other driver is uninsured or leaves the scene of the accident, there is another source of coverage available to you.

In Illinois, all drivers are required to carry coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers. This coverage, known as UM/UIM coverage, also protects you from hit-and-run drivers. The minimum amount of UM/UIM coverage drivers are required to carry is $25,000 for bodily injury for a single person and $50,000 for all persons injured in an accident. Depending on the amount of liability insurance you carry, you have the option of purchasing additional UM/UIM coverage.

Negotiating With Your Insurance Company

When your insurance company pays a UM/UIM claim, it steps into the shoes of the other driver's insurance company. As a result, it assumes a position that is adversarial to your interests. Its goal is to pay you the least amount possible. To ensure you receive full compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other losses, it's important to seek the help of an experienced car accident lawyer.

If our lawyers handle your personal injury claim, we will assist you with your vehicle damage claim at no cost unless we secure compensation for you.

Talk to Our Attorneys About a Hit-And-Run Accident Claim

To maximize your recovery following a hit-and-run accident, call 847-381-8700 or complete our contact form to arrange a free consultation. We offer evening and weekend appointments.

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