Car Accidents

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North Barrington IL Car Accident Lawyers

Injury Attorneys for Car Accident Victims in Palatine, Cary and Algonquin

Car accidents can happen anywhere — on the freeway in heavy traffic, at a crowded intersection, on a neighborhood road or even in a parking lot. While high-speed accidents involve greater force and therefore, typically, greater injuries, significant injuries can also occur at relatively low speeds. Much depends on the circumstances of the accident and the factors involved.

Any type of motor vehicle accident can leave you and your loved ones reeling from life-changing injuries. The most severe injuries — including head, back, neck and brain injuries — often result from freeway accidents involving:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • Rollovers
  • T-bone collisions
  • Multicar accidents

Proven Experience In Getting Compensation For Car Accident Victims

Following an accident, you likely have numerous questions about medical coverage, insurance issues and financial constraints. At Lucas Law in Illinois, we can help you sort through these complex legal issues.

Our Barrington-based car accident lawyers will work diligently toward getting you maximum compensation, whether through aggressive settlement negotiations or through trial. We have won favorable verdicts and settlements in hundreds of cases.

What Caused The Accident? Who Was At Fault?

Getting to the bottom of what caused the accident often requires a detailed investigation and examination of the evidence. Your life may have been turned upside down as a result of another driver's distracted driving, drunk driving or another form of negligence. Our attorneys can help you get answers — and hold the negligent parties accountable.

Understand Your Options · Call Our Local Law Office

Following a car accident, you need strong, knowledgeable legal representation to avoid losing important rights and pursue recovery. Call Lucas Law at 847-381-8700 or contact us online for a free consultation. We offer evening and weekend appointments. You only pay if we win compensation for you. Serving the Northern suburbs of Chicago including North Barrington, South Barrington, Palatine, Lake Zurich, Wauconda and surrounding areas.

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