Motorcycle Accidents

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Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer in Barrington, IL

Attorneys Serving Victims of Motorcycle Accidents in Lake Zurich, Cary and Palatine

Motorcycle accidents explode in frequency across Illinois during the spring and summer months. After the snow melts and the roads clear, enthusiasts enjoy the thrill and freedom of getting back on their bikes. Along with that freedom comes risk.

Horrific motorcycle accidents can happen to even the most experienced rider. You may be the safest motorcyclist in the world, yet you cannot control other drivers on the road. Motorists may fail to observe the rules of the road. Their inattention or distracted driving can spell disaster for you and your loved ones.

Why Experience Matters In Motorcycle Accident Cases

From a legal perspective, motorcycle accidents are night and day different from other motor vehicle accidents. They often involve more complex legal obstacles. And because the injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents are often severe and life-altering, much more is at stake.

Following a motorcycle accident, contact Lucas Law in Barrington. Our lawyers handle motorcycle accidents with the high levels of skill and care that only come from decades of personal injury experience. In addition to handling motorcyclist injury and wrongful death cases, we also represent injured motorcycle passengers.

We have extensive experience handling motorcycle accident cases, and we understand the unique issues involved.

During your free consultation at our firm, you can learn more about your legal options and how we can help you pursue full coverage and compensation. You will owe no attorney fees unless we win your case through either a favorable settlement or jury verdict.

Connecting You With Quality Medical Care

Getting proper medical treatment is a priority following a motorcycle accident. As a local firm, we are well-connected in the legal and medical communities. We maintain a professional network of trusted physicians, specialists and other medical professionals. Our attorneys can help you get the care you need.

Call 847-381-8700 for a Free Consultation

Get trusted legal guidance from a well-established local firm. Call Lucas Law at 847-381-8700 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation. We offer evening and weekend appointment and charge no fee unless we successfully secure compensation for you. We serve clients in Cook, Kane, McHenry and Lake Counties.

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