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Injured in Illinois? See a Lawyer as Soon as Possible to Protect Your Rights

Barrington Personal Injury Attorney: Tips to a Successful Case

If you are seriously injured, you should seriously consider seeing a lawyer who is experienced in personal injury law so that your rights will not be adversely affected. We commonly provide the following initial information to our clients who seek our advice at the free, initial consultation.


If you lose work, sustain injuries or have other losses, you may be entitled to damages from the other party to the accident. You may also be entitled to reimbursement under your own policy of insurance if certain conditions have been met.

A monetary damage award in civil court is the only way that the law can put the wrongfully injured party, as closely as possible, into a position equal to the position before he or she was injured. You may be entitled to recover money for the following:

  • Nature, extent and duration of injuries
  • Pain and suffering from injuries
  • Disability, both temporary and permanent
  • Reasonable expenses resulting from injury, including medical and hospital expenses.
  • Loss of earnings or income
  • Value of damage to property

Client Information Memorandum

  1. Questions And Answers — We would appreciate your assistance by telephoning our office every four weeks and speaking to my paralegal in regard to your case. Our office personnel are well-versed in the personal injury area and should be able to answer most questions you may have in regard to your individual problems.
  2. Talk To No One — Do not talk to anyone about your accident except one of the lawyers or paralegals in our office. You should always require identification so that you are sure with whom you are talking. Do not talk to any insurance company, including your own; railroad claim agent; company representative; or any type of agent, attorney or investigator without first notifying our office so we can have these statements taken with one of our lawyers or paralegal present.
  3. Your Doctor — You should return to each of your doctors as often as necessary and should always tell them about all your complaints. You should not minimize your ailments to your doctors. A doctor must know these things in order to properly treat you. If you plan to see any additional doctors, please advise us before you see them and tell us their names and addresses.
  4. Records — Please keep accurate and detailed records of the following:
    1. Lost time and wages
    2. Hospital, doctor, drug and other medical bills
    3. Other losses directly resulting from your injury
    All your bills should be paid by check or you should obtain and keep receipts. Keeping such records may be very helpful when, a year later, you will be asked by the defense to recall your pain, difficulties and your expenses.
  5. Repairs — Do not have your automobile, boat, airplane, farm implement, piece of machinery, household item or other object that was involved in your accident repaired until we have had time to examine it; have it photographed; have it examined by an expert or impounded as we feel necessary in order to preserve the evidence as needed for your case. If your case involves a product or instrument not in your control, please try to see that it is not repaired or disposed of until we have photographed it and had it examined by an expert, if necessary.
  6. Offenses, Fines Or Disciplinary Action — Do not appear or give statements before: a traffic court; a coroner's inquest; a Federal Aviation Agency investigation board; a railroad panel or other proceeding without first notifying this office in order that we might have one of our attorneys from this office with you, representing you at such hearing. The reason for this is to be sure that you do not prejudice yourself in the action in which we represent you.
  7. Witnesses — Immediately furnish us with the correct names, addresses and telephone numbers of any and all witnesses of whom you may learn. If someone will be leaving the area permanently please call us so we can take their deposition if necessary.
  8. Evidence — Give to your investigator the negatives and prints of any photographs pertaining to your case, which you or any of your friend have taken. If you are required to be in the hospital and are receiving any type of treatment such as traction or physical therapy, please notify our office so that we can have you photographed by our investigator or one of the members of your family. If your injury requires a cast, a brace, traction or other appliance, save the appliance for evidence at trial. You should notify us that you are keeping these items with you. Please contact your own insurance carrier or company for a copy of all their photographs and investigative materials on your case. Please talk to us about any evidence that you have or know the whereabouts of that may help us prove your case. Save any physical evidence, and discuss it with your lawyers and paralegal.
  9. Your Address — Be sure to keep us advised of any change in your address or telephone number.

Following these guidelines will help protect you and your case so that we can secure the greatest level of compensation for you. If you have questions, do not hesitate to call our Barrington office at 847-381-8700. We offer free consultations as well as evening and weekend appointments.

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