Elder Law

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Elder Law Attorneys in Schaumburg

Schaumburg Elder Law Lawyers

Streamwood Lawyers for Elder Law Concerns

With advancement in medical technology and increases in life expectancy over the last several decades, the need for legal representation among older individuals has also increased. Many of the issues that come with age can be intimidating and overwhelming, but our attorneys are committed to helping make things easier. For more than three decades, the compassionate team at Lucas Law has been helping families plan for the future and securing the peace of mind that they deserve.

Experienced Elder Law Professionals in Schaumburg

Most of the issues pertaining to elder law involve comprehensive advance planning for both the remainder of one's life and beyond. The uncertainty of the future, of course, can make looking ahead difficult, but having a well-designed plan in place can reduce anxiety and stress. Such a plan may include assigning another person the authority to make decisions on your behalf if you should be unable to make them for yourself. Our attorneys can assist in the drafting of powers of attorney and in all matters related to guardianship.

Long-Term Care Concerns

A large number of elderly people require long-term care in nursing homes or assisted living communities. These types of facilities are subject to a series of regulations at both the federal and state levels. Such guidelines address patients' rights and standards of care, as well as financial concerns. The elder law attorneys at Lucas Law can help you address issues related to abuse or neglect, as well as provide guidance with nursing facility contracts and long-term care insurance.

Medicaid Considerations

Depending on a person's financial circumstances, he or she may become eligible for Medicaid at some point in his or her life. The complexities of the Medicaid program, however, can make obtaining benefits extremely difficult. In most cases, it is best to start the review process several years in advance and work closely with an attorney who understands the applicable laws and guidelines. We have the knowledge and skill to help you protect your assets and make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle so that your eligibility for Medicaid is not unduly jeopardized.

Estate Planning

At Lucas Law we also provide comprehensive estate planning services. We assist our clients in the development of wills, trusts, powers of attorneys, living wills, and all other estate planning instruments. Our attorneys are committed to helping clients find appropriate estate planning solutions to meet their needs and provide for the financial security of their families.

Call 847-381-8700 Today

If you would like to learn more about our firm and how we can help protect the rights of elder individuals, contact our office. Call 847-381-8700 for a confidential consultation at Lucas Law today. We are proud to serve clients in Schaumburg, Cook County, and throughout northern Illinois.

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