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Prevent Burglary

Approximately every 15 seconds, a house is robbed somewhere in America. A few simple precautions can make your home a less inviting target and can convince burglars to try their luck elsewhere.

*Install deadbolt locks on all outside doors, and make sure that all windows (not just those on the ground floor) have good, strong locks;

* Keep your property well-lit and consider installing outdoor lights hooked to motion sensors;

* Keep trees and shrubbery cut back from windows so thieves don't have a place to hide;

* If you are leaving town for several days, suspend mail and newspaper delivery and ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home;

* If you are not at home, keep a light on so the house looks occupied;

* Consider an alarm system monitored by a reputable security company;

* Keep a car parked in your driveway. Like lights, it makes the house look occupied and stops burglars from backing up a van and cleaning you out.

Finally, remember that even the best precautions do not work if you don't use them! So give your home a security checkup, keep those doors and windows locked, and beat burglars at their own game.

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