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Defective Insulin Pumps
It is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from diabetes, and their ranks are growing every day. Many diabetics are able to control their condition with diet and exercise, but others must take insulin, a drug that helps diabetics regulate the level of glucose in the blood.
For many years, insulin was given by injection, but then the insulin pump was invented. An insulin pump is a small device (about the size of a cell phone) that introduces insulin into the body at the same rate that it would be produced in the pancreas of a healthy person. More than 400,000 Americans currently use insulin pumps, and when the pumps work they allow many diabetics to lead nearly normal lives.
However, insulin pumps do not always work as designed. After 18 different models of insulin pumps were recalled over a five-year period, the Food and Drug Administration appointed a panel to look into the issue.
The panel issued its findings in 2008, reporting that it had discovered that insulin pumps were associated with more than 300 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries. Some of the diabetics using insulin pumps received too much insulin, while others did not receive enough. Although some of these injuries or deaths may have resulted from user error, a disturbingly high number were caused by unknown problems with the various models of insulin pumps that were recalled.
A number of product liability lawsuits have been filed against insulin pump makers. Some of these lawsuits allege that there is a specific problem with a specific pump, while others complain more generally that manufacturers did not give users of insulin pumps enough information about the pumps to use them safely. These lawsuits fault the pump manufacturer for producing a product that can injure users in ways that they are unable to guard themselves against.
If you suspect that you or someone you love has experienced injury, illness, or even death due to the use of an insulin pump, the first step is to find and consult a lawyer you trust. A lawyer can help you evaluate the facts and determine whether you have a claim and, if so, can help you make your claim within the limited time allowed. A lawyer can also help provide the guidance that you need and ensure that you obtain the compensation that you deserve.
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