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Suspended Driver's License

So, your driver's license has been suspended. Now what? The following provides some general information about what you can expect.

Q: Why can my license be suspended?

A: Under Illinois law, a driver's license can be suspended for any number of reasons. Most commonly, a driver has had too many moving violations and has accumulated too many "points." Driver's licenses can also be suspended after a DUI conviction, for underage drinking, for failing to pay tolls, and for failing to pay child support. A license may even be suspended for unpaid parking tickets if you have enough of them. It is also possible for your driver's license to be revoked for an indefinite period of time.

Q: How do I determine the status of my license?

A: You can determine the status of your license by contacting the office of the Secretary of State, either online, in person at a local Secretary of State office, or through the mail (Secretary of State, Driver Analysis Section, 2701 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62723). Copies of your driving record cost $12. You will need to include your full name, date of birth, sex, and Illinois driver's license number (if possible), along with your $12 fee.

Q: What do I do if I need to drive to work?

A: You can apply for Restricted Driving Privileges (RDP) through a program known as "Driver Relief." This program requires an individual to prove that not being allowed to drive imposes an "undue hardship." A person granted RDP may be allowed to drive to work, to school, or to medical appointments, although only at certain times and along certain specified routes. In some cases, it is also possible to obtain a court order that will allow you to drive under limited circumstances.

Q: How do I get my license reinstated?

A: Unfortunately, the reinstatement process can be complicated and expensive. A person whose license has been suspended will be given an eligibility date, which is the earliest date that the driving privileges may be restored. After that date, the driver will usually have to file an application and meet with a hearing officer to show that reinstatement is appropriate. If reinstatement is granted, the driver will have to complete any drug or alcohol courses that may be required, pay a reinstatement fee ranging from $70 to $500 (depending on the reason for the license suspension), and then take the licensing examination again.

Q: What are the penalties for driving with a suspended license?

A: They can be quite severe. In many cases, a person driving without a license can be charged with a misdemeanor that could land him or her in jail for almost a year. However, if a driver's license was suspended for reckless homicide, the crime of driving without the license is a felony.

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