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After An Auto Accident

Many people think that common sense dictates what is to be done after an automobile accident. Maybe so, but our common sense can desert us under stress. It is a good idea to keep this simple checklist in your car with your other important papers (registration, etc.).

Get help for anyone injured.
Call the police if someone is injured or killed, if a vehicle cannot be moved, or if the accident involves a hit and run driver.
Move your car, if possible, to avoid blocking traffic and to protect it from further loss or damage. But be careful-many people are injured at accident scenes each year by other drivers who are not paying attention.
Get the other driver's name, address, telephone number, license plate number, driver's license number, and insurance information. Give the other driver the same information. Identification is especially important in a hit and run accident; your insurance company may not pay if the driver is never identified.
Record the insurance company name and the policy number exactly as they appear on the other driver's proof of insurance card. Similar company names can cause confusion.
Do not sign anything except a ticket, citation, or report issued by the police.
Notify your insurance company promptly. It will want the names and addresses of witnesses and injured persons. Never sign any document that gives up a legal right.
Contact us to find out about your right to recover for your injuries.

Remember, insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims, no matter what their advertising says. They are in the business of collecting premiums. Insurance adjustors definitely do not have your best interests in mind. Be careful.
Illinois law gives you two years from the date of the accident to settle or file a lawsuit regarding your accident claim. Call us to learn all of your legal rights. We will advise you and, if appropriate, we will deal with the insurance company or other parties on your behalf.

This website is not intended to constitute legal advice or the provision of legal services. By posting and/or maintaining the website and its contents, Lucas Law does not intend to solicit business from clients located in states or jurisdictions outside of Illinois wherein Lucas Law or its individual attorney(s) are not licensed or authorized to practice law.

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