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Why Should I Consult With a Medical Team About My Personal Injury Case?

 Posted on October 29, 2020 in Personal Injury

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyer for medical expert testimonyDue to issues related to evidence, witness testimonies, and liability, personal injury cases can be quite complex, and they can involve many factors that can affect an entire case. One of the most important of these factors is the medical professional(s) that may provide testimony, consultations, or reports in support of your case. Here are some of the ways medical professionals can help you win your personal injury case:

4 Reasons Third-Party Medical Professionals Are Vital to Your Personal Injury Case

Getting fair compensation for your personal injury is not always an easy outcome to attain. You deserve to receive compensation for the injuries you have sustained, including physical and psychological harm, as well as loss of income due to recovery time or disability. As you pursue compensation, some of the most important members of your team will be the medical professionals. Here are some ways they can alter the outcome of your case:

  1. Helping to Decide Whether a Case Is Worth Pursuing—A medical professional can provide keen insights into the technical aspects of your case so that you and your attorney better understand whether your claim will be worth pursuing. By consulting with medical professionals early in the process, your lawyer can get a proper assessment of your case from a medical perspective. 

  2. Offering Strong Support of the Evidence and Testimony Already Provided—In many personal injury cases, a jury may presume that a witness's testimony is false or that evidence is unconvincing. However, a reputable medical professional can lend credence to the information provided in a trial, and this can allow your attorney to present evidence as credible facts. This will add believability and legitimacy to your arguments.

  3. Providing Substantive Testimony, Reports, and Other New Evidence on Your Case—You would be surprised at how often a medical professional might discover something that you and your attorney overlooked; their expert eye for the details of medicine can help bring forth new evidence, testimony, and reports that could swing the case in your favor.

  4. Determining Fair Compensatory Awards—Finally, the medical professionals on your team can help determine just what you should be awarded upon winning or settling your case. For instance, with their niche knowledge, they can help determine a fair amount of compensation for:

    • Injuries sustained, including subsequent medical care

    • Emotional distress, especially if your experience was traumatic, leading to the need for additional medical care

    • Loss of income while you recover or if you become disabled as a result of your injury

Contact a Barrington, IL Personal Injury Attorney

Finding the right medical professionals to consult with during a personal injury case is critical to your success, and you will want to work with a Barrington personal injury lawyer who has the right connections. The team at Lucas Law, has the depth and breadth of experience in personal injury cases and a wide network of well-respected medical teams who can aid in securing fair compensation for you and your loved ones. Call us at 847-381-8700 for a free consultation.


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