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What Can I Do If I Was Injured in an IL Hit-and-Run?
Dealing with an insurance claim after being injured in a car accident is bad enough when you know the identity of the driver who hit you. When that driver flees the scene, it literally adds insult to injury.
What should you do after a hit-and-run collision? Can you still get a settlement? Working with a knowledgeable lawyer from Lucas Law can alleviate your stress and make the process smoother. Call us now for your free consultation.
Why Do At-Fault Drivers Leave Accident Scenes?
Although Illinois laws require anyone involved in a crash to stay at the scene until police officers respond, not everyone does. Common reasons that drivers flee include:
Impaired judgment due to alcohol or drugs
Not having a valid driver's license
Lack of auto insurance
Fear of the consequences of causing the collision
Illegal substances or items in the vehicle
Driving a stolen car
Outstanding warrants
Whatever the reason for leaving, doing so is illegal. If the police track down the driver, he may face criminal charges, and you can also pursue a separate personal injury claim. Unfortunately, some fleeing motorists are never identified, leaving injured victims wondering if they will be compensated.
Can You Get a Settlement as a Hit-and-Run Victim?
In Illinois, drivers must purchase uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage with limits of at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. If your auto policy does not include collision coverage, you can also choose to purchase uninsured motorist property damage insurance.
If the at-fault driver is not found, you can file a claim against your own insurance policy's uninsured motorist coverage. It should pay for eligible losses up to your policy limits, but those amounts may not be enough to cover all your damages.
Insurance companies do not like paying claims, even for their own policyholders. You may encounter various problems when trying to get a settlement. You may qualify to receive damages for:
Medical expenses
Lost wages
Property damage
Pain and suffering
Anxiety and depression
Other eligible losses that impact your quality of life
The experienced attorneys at Lucas Law know how to overcome challenges posed by insurers and help you obtain the highest possible amount of compensation.
Should You Follow the Fleeing Driver?
Even if your injuries are not incapacitating, do not follow the vehicle that hit you, as you could be putting yourself in danger. You can, however, attempt to take photos of the car, driver, and license plate.
When you call the police to report your accident, give the dispatcher any details you have about the car that fled the scene, including its direction of travel. You can also provide that information to your lawyer. We may locate the at-fault motorist and help you take civil action against him.
Call for Your Free Consultation With Our Skilled Barrington, IL Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyers
Hit-and-run claims have many potential complications, but you do not have to handle them alone. Let a lawyer from Lucas Law stand by your side to protect your best interests. Call us at 847-381-8700 to speak with our determined Cook County, IL car accident attorneys.