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Slip and Fall Season in Chicago Area 

 Posted on January 06, 2023 in Personal Injury

barrington slip and fall accident lawyerAs the weather turns to snow during the winter months, there is bound to be an increase in the number of wet floors in establishments all over Illinois. Business owners need to take steps to ensure that their guests are not at risk of slipping and falling. Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common kinds of personal injury claims in the United States. Individuals who are hurt in slip and fall accidents may seek financial compensation for damages such as medical expenses and lost income.

When a person slips or trips and falls in a public place such as a restaurant, a shopping mall, or any other business, then the property owner or manager may be liable for damages under the Premises Liability Act found in 740 Illinois Compiled Statute (ILCS) § 130/1. The owners of private residences may also be liable for damages. Typically, a property owner's insurance company is ultimately responsible for the damages. 

How Slip and Fall Claims Work

Property owners and managers have a legal obligation to keep their properties in reasonably safe condition. If there is an unsafe condition on the property, the owner should warn any visitors to the property so they can take steps to avoid injury. 

If an injury caused by an unsafe condition does occur, the injured person may be able to file an injury claim and recover damages. The injured person may be entitled to financial compensation for 

  • Medical bills

  • Lost wages

  • Property damage

  • Pain and suffering

  • Emotional distress

It is possible in some cases that an insurance company could be quick to reach out to a person injured in a slip and fall accident and offer a lump sum settlement. People need to be extremely skeptical about these offers because insurance companies are usually trying to close out cases quickly at a fraction of the cost, and every person should consult legal counsel as to whether an offer is truly fair.

Contact a Barrington Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

If you suffer severe injuries or your loved one is killed in a slip and fall accident anywhere in Northern Illinois, you are going to need to find yourself legal representation before you try to deal with any insurance company. The Barrington slip and fall accident lawyers at Lucas Law will be certain to try and fight to recover as much compensation as possible. 

Our firm knows what it takes to prove fault in these types of cases and we will relentlessly investigate incidents to uncover every piece of evidence available. You can call 847-381-8700 or contact us online to receive a free consultation. 


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