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Recognizing Brain Injuries After an Accident

 Posted on October 12, 2018 in Catastrophic Injuries

Recognizing Brain Injuries After an AccidentDiagnosing a traumatic brain injury after an accident is more complicated than diagnosing other serious injuries. You will not take long to realize something is wrong when you have broken a bone or torn a ligament. Symptoms of a brain injury can take days to appear, and you may not immediately understand what they mean or connect them to your accident. If you file a personal injury lawsuit, the liable party may use the uncertainties about brain injuries to deny that the incident caused a brain injury or that your symptoms are severe. You can best prove your brain injury for your case by getting a diagnosis as soon as possible.

Brain Injury Causes

You are most likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury because of a fall, being struck by an object, or a car accident. A brain injury can occur even if your skull is not fractured or penetrated. A sudden impact or jolt can cause your brain to collide with your skull, resulting in damage. Losing consciousness after your accident is a common sign of a brain injury, but you may still have suffered a brain injury if you remained conscious. You should ask your doctor about the possibility of a brain injury and follow up if you notice any symptoms.

Mild to Severe Brain Injuries

Your doctor may categorize your traumatic brain injury as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of your symptoms. However, even a mild brain injury can have long-term debilitating symptoms. Common symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury include:

  • Headaches;
  • Fatigue;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Trouble sleeping;
  • Sleeping too long;
  • Speech problems;
  • Sensitivity to light or sound;
  • Memory loss; and
  • Mood changes.

The symptoms of a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury are often more profound versions of the same symptoms, as well as possible seizures and loss of coordination. You may have difficulty recognizing these symptoms in yourself because brain damage can affect your ability to think. Friends and family can help identify your abnormal behavior that requires medical attention.

Compensation for Brain Injuries

Whether mild or severe, a brain injury can be debilitative and expensive to treat. You may be unable to work for an extended period and develop symptoms that never completely subside. You deserve financial compensation if someone was responsible for the incident that caused your injury. A Barrington, Illinois, personal injury attorney at Lucas Law, can explain how the incident caused your brain injury and its consequences on your life. Schedule a consultation by calling 847-381-8700.


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