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Common Kinds of Construction Accidents in the Winter

 Posted on November 03, 2022 in Construction Accidents

barrington construction accident lawyerAs the weather in Illinois starts to get colder, people can be of the belief that construction projects will be on hiatus until summer arrives again. Nothing could be further from the truth as many construction workers will be battling the elements and still trying to complete a variety of jobs.

When any person is involved in a construction accident in the greater Barrington area of Illinois, it is always important to quickly retain legal counsel for help having a proper investigation into the accident performed. While most workers cannot sue their employers, supervisors, or co-workers for construction site injuries, there are often cases in which third parties may be liable and do not have immunity in civil cases.

Possible Hazards for Construction Workers in the Winter

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that there were 42,480 workplace injuries involving ice, sleet, or snow requiring at least one day away from work for recuperation. The accidents were the result of falls, slips or trips; overexertion and bodily reaction; transportation incidents; and contact with objects and equipment.

In general, some of the most common dangers construction workers can face during winter months will include:

  • Effects of Cold Weather — The most obvious danger for workers in cold weather are the basic effects of being out in the cold too long, and people can suffer from frostbite, hypothermia, or trench foot.

  • Slip and Fall Accidents — Increased snow and ice means more slick surfaces and greater risk of workers possibly falling and suffering serious injuries.

  • Increased Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risks — The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reports that there is an increase of carbon monoxide deaths during winter because of increases in high-risk behaviors such as warming up motor vehicles, improperly maintaining home heating systems, using cooking equipment for heating, and using generators during winter storms.

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents — The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration reports that every year, 24 percent of weather-related vehicle crashes happen on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement with 15 percent happening during snowfall or sleet. More than 1,300 people die and over 116,800 people suffer injuries in vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavement while 900 people are killed and almost 76,000 people are injured in vehicle crashes during snowfall or sleet.

  • Dealing with Downed Trees or Power Lines — Winter can become a more common time for people to see trees or power lines falling, and attempting to navigate the snow in these cases can subject workers to increased risks of electrocution.

Contact a Barrington Construction Accident Attorney

When you suffer any kind of construction injury in Illinois, do not hesitate to contact Lucas Law as soon as possible. Our skilled Barrington construction accident lawyers understand the best steps to take in these cases and will know how to fight to pursue compensation. 

Our firm handles all kinds of third-party claims as well as wrongful death lawsuits. You can call 847-381-8700 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. 


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