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Can I File an Injury Claim for a Pedestrian Accident? 

 Posted on December 14, 2022 in Personal Injury

barrington personal injury lawyerIllinois has seen a flurry of news stories about pedestrian accidents recently that have alarmed many people who walk to and from destinations. This fall, a 43-year-old Aurora woman was flown to the hospital after being hit by the passenger side mirror of a passing truck. A 47-year-old woman was killed after being hit by a car while attempting to cross Algonquin Road in Lake in the Hills. On November 4, a 16-year-old student was taken to Lutheran General Hospital with possible head injuries was struck by a car Friday at the intersection of Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road.

Pedestrian Accident Injury Claims

Pedestrians are far more susceptible to serious injury in motor vehicle accidents because there is no vehicle to protect them and limit the damage associated with a collision. A pedestrian will not have the benefit of a vehicle frame, seatbelt, airbag, or any protections.

Pedestrians can suffer injuries that may include broken bones or fractures, spinal cord injuries, or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). The same people who suffer these injuries can face many months or even years of rehabilitation and aftercare.

Injured pedestrians have the right to file a claim against negligent drivers in these cases. The insurance companies representing negligent drivers will then try to do whatever they can to limit the amount of compensation they will have to pay in these cases.

Pedestrians can do a number of things at the scenes of their crashes to help their cases. One of the most important steps is to seek medical attention immediately. It is also beneficial for pedestrians to seek out the names and contact information of any witnesses to these accidents as independent parties who can describe what happened.

An insurance company may be quick to offer an injured pedestrian a lump sum settlement to resolve their case, but people should always have an experienced attorney handle all settlement negotiations for them so they can know they are really getting the best possible deal. If you accept a settlement without speaking to a lawyer, you may run the risk of settling for far too little and not having any option to recover additional money should you need it.

Contact a Barrington Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Did you suffer severe injuries or was your loved one killed in a pedestrian accident in Northern Illinois? Make sure you are working with the experienced Barrington pedestrian accident lawyers at Lucas Law who will fight for you and work to recover all of the compensation you are entitled to. 

Our firm knows how challenging pedestrian accident claims can be for people, and we can be by your side the entire time so you do not have to handle anything on your own. Call 847-381-8700 or contact us online to set up a free consultation. 


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